
Must Know Data Visualization Trends in 2019!

Businesses seem to have found a new way to become more decisive when it comes to crunching bulk number. Data Visualization not only enables seamless interpretation of the stories that numbers tell, they also allow the identification of hidden trends and patterns that would otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Enterprises are now investing heavily in Business Intelligence resources and technologies of which Data Visualization forms a significant part. The BI Department not only gives the businesses an edge with real-time decision making, but also paves a pathway into the future over which a business must sail to grow.

Why Data Visualization is Crucial?

The proverb, “A picture is worth a thousand words” fits well in this context. To enable businesses, organizations and individuals make ‘sense’ of the correlations between certain parameters, numbers and events; to undertake this efficiently, Data Visualization comes as a boon.

As the time passes, the technology evolves. Same holds true for BI powered by Data Visualization. In this post, we have handpicked and curated some ‘must-know’ trends in the field as of 2019.

Let us take a look at them!

Data Visualization is Going Social!

With the advent of Social Media and billions of users spread across a few platforms, the terms ‘User engagement’ and ‘Stats’ have begun to go hand in hand. With literally no constraint on the type of content that goes viral, researchers have managed to pull out an insight. The insight is that users love sharing the data which is backed by stats. This is especially true for the business channel outreaching their audience directly.

This is also the reason as to why Data professionals are striving to create more Social-friendly Data Visuals and creatives. Plying on the principle of ‘Less is more,’ Social media visualizations pertaining to data stories is majorly in the form of 2D/3D animation, Gifs, Chart images and short videos.

Data Democracy

Online universe has given birth to ‘shared-economy’ and the idea of ‘decentralization.’ While technologies like Blockchain aim to democratize the online user interactions forever, Data Visualization is on the same tracks. Data democracy is a trend picking up pace in 2019. It is simply the ‘availability of quality data for use by anybody to make decisions in real-time’ without compromising the security of the data itself. The examples of such enablers are the online platforms, tools, and enterprises that help individuals and enterprises process the data as per the will and know the results.

While Data was restricted to governments, large corporates and military intelligence a few years ago, evolved technology, and rising awareness amongst the netizens have bought in the waves of change.

Data Visualization tools and platforms, that are truly democratic in nature, offer intuitive user-interface via drag-and-drop tech, allow personalization, build interactive dashboards and tap reports on demand. Non-technical users can skip coding entirely and use logic to get desired outcomes.

Data Journalism is Becoming Mainstream

Media houses, daily journalism blogs and freelance journalists have already realized the explosive power of interactive data visuals. Not only they have noticed a sudden spike in the readership of articled studded with fine Data visuals, they have also found out that ‘Data stories’ are perceived to be much more credible and share-worthy amongst the peers.

Data journalism is not just limited to media houses, or mainstream journal for that matter. Environmentalists, activists, and professionals with a cause are harnessing the power of storytelling through data.

AI-Based Data Visuals are Trending

For businesses, this one comes as even a more powerful booster. Artificial Intelligence is seeping into almost every known domain to augment the human capabilities and Data Visualization has not remained untouched by it.

AI-based Data Visualization not just allows business to focus on the ‘right’ aspects of data, but also aid in identifying the patterns, trends and outliers in it. In fact, some tools are allowing users to reduce the DV workload as it is being handled by the ML and NLP based AI algorithms. As of 2019, this trend has already taken-off.

Mobile Friendly Data Visuals

This one should come as no surprise as the number of active mobile devices across the globe is more than 4 billion. Out of these, 2.53 Billion is the number of smartphone devices. Users are shifting more towards mobile content and preferring media content on the go. This shift of preferences has lead the developers, data scientists and businesses to create mobile-friendly data. Mobile-friendly Data Visuals are known for higher user engagement and shares. The beauty of such graphics is that they can be shared between multiple apps-something that users tend to do highly.

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