
Data Visualization – Interesting Facts

Businesses have initiated a new way to become extra decisive when it comes to crunching numbers. Data Visualization not only ensures the interpretation of the stories that figure state but also allow the identification of trends and patterns that would else have gone overlooked. Organizations are investing in Business Intelligence resources, of which Data Visualization forms a noteworthy part. The BI Department assists in real-time decision making, thereby creating a pathway to the future on which the business can float.

Why is Data Visualization Critical?

The correlations among parameters, numbers and events need to be understood efficiently; for this, the business is investing time in Data Visualisation. Visualization of data becomes a boon and therefore, accredited training institutes like DATAVIZGURU project a great call of Business Intelligence. The technology evolves as BI powered by Data Visualization. Let us take some trends in 2019!

Data Visualization is everywhere on social media!

With the emergence of Social Media and numerous users who are spread crossways in different platforms, some new terms like ‘User engagement’ and ‘Stats’ have gained importance. Researchers have been able to state that people love sharing data with almost no restriction. It is applicable for companies that deal directly with their users. Relying on the quote that ‘Less is more,’ visualizations on social media relating to data stories are depicted in 2D/3D animation, Gifs, Chart images and short videos. 

Data Equality

With awareness of ‘decentralization, technologies similar to Blockchain are democratizing online user communications. Data Visualization follows this approach. Data democracy is a trend which is gaining popularity due to obtainability of quality data for practice by anyone to make real-time decisions without bargaining on data security. Some examples of enablers are online podiums, tools, and organizations that assist individuals and companies in processing data in fetching results.

In past Data was with governments, big corporates and intelligence a but now a wave of change has brought awareness among netizens. Data Visualization platforms that are democratic and offer intuitive user-interface through a drag-and-drop tech. It also allows customization, build communicating dashboards and to create reports. Non-technical workers can avoid coding altogether and utilize logic to get outcomes.

Data Journalism Popularity

Media houses, journalism blogs and freelance journalists have already realized the importance of communicative data visuals. Media has found that ‘Data stories’ are more reliable and share-worthy amid their peers. Environmentalists, professionals and activists are joining the rule of storytelling through data.

Trending AI-Based Data Visuals

For businesses, this serves as a big booster. Artificial Intelligence is trickling into multiple domains to augment mortal capabilities. Therefore, Data Visualization has not remained unharmed by it. AI-based Data Visualization not only allows commercials to focus on the ‘right’ features of data but also aid in recognizing the patterns and trends. Some tools are permitting users to lessen the DV workload as the ML and NLP are touching it founded AI algorithms.

Mobile-Friendly Data Visuals

The number of live mobile devices across the globe is greater than 4 billion. Out of these, 2.53 Billion are smartphone devices. Users are more inclined towards mobile content and prefer to go through media content. This movement of preferences has led the developers, and businesses to design mobile-friendly data. Mobile-friendly Data Visuals have greater user engagement. The best part is that they are among multiple application.

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