
Tips and Hacks from Tableau Dashboard Professionals

Tableau has gained massive popularity in the last few years because of its usefulness as a smart business solution. It has made the analysis of any raw data much easier with its graphical user interface. You can browse Tableau from any corner of the world, can add your clients in the cloud and can even communicate or discuss with them about the business policies on the dashboards. Tableau offers you the complete comfort to organize your business, make the visualizations effective and present easily interpretable data by using various types of dashboards.

You need to understand how to prepare the dashboards so that the other party instantly understands the message being conveyed through it. Out of different types of dashboards, you need to choose a suitable one. Also, you must know how to make the most of the features provided by Tableau. Given below are some of the tips and hacks suggested by the Tableau dashboard professionals to maximize its benefits: –

  • While creating a dashboard, you need to think artistically and make sure that what you make is useful for the concerned party. For making a great visualization dashboard, you need first to analyze what all you will require and what all you have. Lastly, think of how you will be benefited before you start preparing it.
  • You should organize your data in an ordered manner rather than cluttering up. It will not be presentable if you try to add every option which you like in your charts or graphs. You need to make wise use of the available Tableau features and should realize that it will not count as a good Tableau practice if there is a lot of clutter. You should make sure that you are giving a correct insight from your Tableau dashboard to the user. Anytime you can update your dashboard by adding, removing some information from it or just making a few arrangements with the updated features.
  • Gridding the layout could be an excellent Tableau practice as it makes the categorization and organization simple. Arranging all your components on dashboards, such as views, filters, titles, etc. designed in a grid format could be better a graphical interface. This way, you can properly present your data, which will guide the users through the dashboard in an effective way with logical analytics. You can design the length and breadth of the grid and can also use row and column-based functionality for narration. The layout should be such that it appears as an overview of the detailed version of insight to the user.
  • The font format should be used properly. Tableau provides many types of fonts and text formats while browsing. This additional feature could impact your presentation, and thus you need to use it sensibly. You need to decide where you will need small and where you will need big font sizes. It won’t be a good way to go ahead with Tableau if you do not reduce the font of the insights. At the same time, you should also understand that it is not necessary to reduce the font size for every single insight. You can obviously use a variety of fonts based on your perception.
  • It is also necessary to know that though the font color adds brightness to the dashboard, you should avoid using such a color combination that could spoil the visuals of your dashboard. Though adding tempting and beautiful font colors could make the dashboard appear attractive; you should remember that adding unnecessary color would not add and value. Also, you should make color choices wisely, as you could be asked during the presentation that why you chose such a particular color to represent something on the dashboard. In such instances, you should be able to answer and justify every color you use in the Tableau dashboard.
  • You should never cut the size of the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) as it is the most important aspect of a presentation, and it must be as prominent as possible. This strategy will help you reach out to the users with the information quickly.

It is important to realize the fact that no dashboard is correct or perfect when you prepare it for the first time. You need to give a little time for your skills to develops and continuously keep learning. This is because every single person will have a different perspective and will bring in new ideas for you to grow.

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